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Selamat datang di Lurik Senthir

Lurik is heritage tile from Central Java, specifially from Surakarta, Klaten, Yogyakarta, and their neighboring areas which is made by weaving. The word "Lurik" is from Javanese language "lorek" which refers to line with meanings; straight, sincere, kind-hearted, and corteous. Sincere means only hoping for God's blessing

In the past, Lurik was used in traditional ceremonies within the palace community as well as people's attire

There are various types of Lurik in ancient patterns. Each has its own meaning and philosophy.
However, the existence of ancient lurik is not yet widely recognized; some even believe that it has gone extinct

Due to her concern that ancient lurik will actually become extinct, since 2013, Indrias has started finding and collecting ancient lurik patterns as well as studying their uses & philosophies.

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